Melissa Luella

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Marlo, Makeup Maven | Boston Boudoir Photographer

I know we are all bundling up on this frigid day, so let’s transport ourselves back to warmer days of sun, sand, and salt water. As we move through our lineup of inspiring stories from the badass ladies I’ve had the honor to photograph, today we want the world to know Marlo!

You know that giddy feeling when you meet someone new and your gut tells you she’ll become a lifelong friend and confidant? That feeling that you’ve found someone kindred? This is how I felt when I met Marlo for the first time 2 years ago. It was like we had this deep connection from lifetimes before and I was happy to finally find her in this lifetime. Marlo is one of the Hair and Makeup Mavens to our amazing clients at Melissa Luella Photography, and she never ceases to amaze us with her artistry, positivity, and vibrant energy. I had the pleasure of discovering a whole new side to Marlo while shooting her intimate portrait at Singing Beach in Manchester-By-The-Sea.

Her Story

Miss Marlo wanted to celebrate her birthday with a trip to the beach and a sultry boudoir session. Obviously, the excitement was oozing out of my ears when I heard this. “The shoot was for myself… feeling comfortable in my skin. I wanted to remember this positive milestone of living my best life.” So, with a “two-birds-one-stone” attitude, a stockpile of flattering outfits, and my favorite pair of sunnies, we headed out to shoot on-location at Singing Beach. A lady of the North Shore, Marlo’s been bringing out her clients’ inner beauty since she was a teenager: “After taking a few makeup courses I enjoyed ​being creative and playing with color. From there I trained with top artists in the world, taking one on one lessons. I quickly found my passion to be working weddings, leaving my heart full of joy for the newly wed couple.”

It was never just the make-up or photography; these are the tools that ignited our mutual passion to connect with extraordinary, everyday women.

The part of Marlo’s job that she loves most isn’t just skin-deep: “I absolutely love what I do, I get to make women feel spectacular! The favorite part of my job is having someone look in the mirror after being made up. The instant smile, jaw drop, or even jump up from chair... there is nothing better than witnessing ​true emotion.” For both of us, our true passion is empowering our clients to take charge of their own strength through an experience that makes them feel like they can conquer the world! It was never just the make-up or photography; these are the tools that ignited our mutual passion to connect with extraordinary, everyday women.

The Shoot

Marlo absolutely brought her A-game to our shoot. For one of her outfits-- which I adore, if I do say so myself-- she chose to wear a white lace bodysuit that had once belonged to her mom. I could tell that by wearing this precious vintage piece, Marlo wasn’t just paying loving homage to her mom. She was tapping into the long history of courageous, beautiful women in her family that came before her.

Looking fierce in front of the camera isn’t always easy. As a matter of fact, this is one of the main concerns my clients bring up when we jump on our first call. Women are constantly bombarded with messages that demand they change or hide their bodies. It can be intimidating to stare down the camera when you are holding on to these thoughts. If you let me, I will hold your hand and tell you take a deep breathe and let go. Let go of thoughts that come and go in your head. It doesn’t matter, it does NOT define you. Your essence is beyond what you perceive in the mirror.

“I’ve learned to try to put myself in the middle of a​n uncomfortable situation​ and ​grow​.​ T​he more you push yourself the better you ​get to ​know yourself, and believe in yourself!​” Only when we confront our fears and insecurities can we uproot them to learn something new about our capacity to be daring.

Marlo’s daring side has manifested in some really amazing ways. When I asked her about her passions, she told me “​I know this sounds cliche.. but living life to the fullest. ​I try to travel multiple times a year. The experiences, foods, colors, cultures; there are so many exquisite things to see!​ Go for a walk, smell the roses, and be grateful for what life has to offer.”

The Aftermath

Getting to work with Marlo on Singing Beach was a chance to see a new side to my dear friend, confidant, and colleague. It was so precious helping her fully experience what she is so dedicated to giving her own clients: “I was overwhelmed with ​happiness​! ​Could not believe that was ME in those pictures, that girl looked amazing! ​Even after the shoot, I am still feeling extra confident and sexy.”

Feeling confident and sexy is NEVER about your body. The truly special and transcendent thing about boudoir is the intimacy it manifests. Sure, the lingerie, the lighting, and the poses all help set the scene, but gaining intimate insight into your qualities, passions, and drives over the course of this experience is the stuff of magic. Capturing these personal revelations on film means never forgetting your potential to become limitless!

When I asked her what advice she might have for women thinking about doing their own boudoir session, Marlo replied with her characteristic insight:

“​Love every bit of yourself! It is very common to feel a slight bit anxious, that just means you're excited! You will feel (and look) like a model, and want to do it all over again. To see yourself from another one’s perspective is enlightening and powerful. I smile every time looking at the photographs, and can proudly say that I am simply beautiful.”

Want to see what all the Marlo-hype is about? That highlight! That contour! That cut-crease!

Check out her artistry and elegance at

We'd love to meet you and tell your story through timeless intimate photographs! Send us a note to learn more about our boudoir sessions.